Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tylee painting/ Her best friend

Tylee painting a cup. She absolutely loves this place.
She doesn't know how to smile with her eyes open. :) Maybe someday she will get it. hahaha

Tylee with her best friend Scout. I love Scout so much. She has been the best dog ever. I just wish she could live with us. When Tylee goes downstairs in my parents house she makes Scout go with her. Tylee makes Scout go everywhere with her. Scout doesn't have any choice. She is such a great dog. I remember when I brought Tylee home from the hospital and Scout was so protective of her. She would sit right in front of her bassinet and whenever Tylee would start to cry Scout would come and find me or if I was there in the room Scout would just look at me like mom take care of her. It's funny home much you can love a dog.

Tylee was so excited to sit in the back of Papa's truck.


Carrie said...

How cute!!

Kara said...

I love that painting place too! I understand Tylee's fear of clowns - they freak me out too. The two of you are so cute!